UBTM is a campaign that advocates for essential malaria and global health interventions including implementation of holistic strategies toward these goals and a mobilization of resources. Dinah recently went to Capitol Hill to work with UBTM and spoke with congressional offices (both House of Representatives and Senate) on the hill about the need to continue investing in global health and malaria eradication worldwide. Way to go Dinah!
WFU Pilot Research Grant Funded!
The Cordy Lab’s proposal on mosquito collections in and around campus, as well as in North Carolina—entitled ”Malaria in Your Own Backyard”—was recently funded as a Wake Forest Pilot Research Grant! Congrats to the group!
Amino acid supplementation confers protection to red blood cells prior to Plasmodium falciparum bystander stress
Read this new research paper published by the Cordy Group!
Dinah visits collaborator Amy Bei at Yale University
Dr. Anthony Batte visits from Uganda!
The Cordy Lab recently hosted visiting researcher, Dr. Anthony Batte, who visited us from Uganda while in the U.S. for the ASTMH meeting. We had the pleasure of learning about his work on acute kidney injury in the context of malaria! It was wonderful meeting you, Dr. Batte, and hearing your presentation!
ASTMH Conference: Successful!
The team recently visited Chicago this past week for the annual American Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) meeting. Congratulations to Dinah and Tryphena who did an excellent job on their poster presentations as they explained their research to people for the entire afternoon. Also, an additional congrats to Dinah for leading the trainee committee of our subgroup ACMCIP—thank you for all of your hard work and leadership at this years meeting! Dr. Regina Cordy also encountered her two mentors and current and past presidents of the ASTMH, Drs. Linnie Golightly (Columbia) and Dyann Wirth (Harvard). That’s so awesome to see! Way to go Cordy Lab!!!
Hemoglobin produced within cartilage cells!
Oxygen-toting protein hemglobin is known for giving blood its characteristic red color, but not much is known regarding hemoglobin’s role in cells outside the bloodstream. However, recently, researchers from China have demonstrated that cartilage-making cells called chondrocytes can indeed manufacture and use hemoglobin for both physiological and survival purposes in oxygen-poor environments. Read the fascinating discovery here!
CaMRAS Meeting
An event co-organized by our very own Dinah Nahid and featured a flash talk by PhD student Kevin Coffey, as well as poster presentations by Tryphena Adams and Dinah Nahid! We’re so proud of y’all!
Irene’s Going Away Party!
Irene has recently left the lab to transition to a Masters Program in Biostatistics at the University of Washington. Good luck Irene, and we wish you all the best moving forward! The lab wouldn’t feel the same without you!
Visit from Regina Cordy’s Cousin!
High school sophomore Schylar Canady, Dr. Regina Cordy’s cousin, recently visited the lab. During her time here, Schylar worked on optimizing techniques for pond water collection to visualize plant-parasitic nematodes for future parasitology labs. We can’t wait to have you back here again Schylar!