Lab PI Regina Cordy has participated in the “Global Parasitology Seminar Series” at UPenn and gave a talk entitled “A role for exogenous amino acids in enhancing red blood cell function in the oxidative environment of acute malaria”.
NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) awarded
The grant, entitled “Investigating the role of oxygen on Plasmodium multiplication rate” was awarded to Cordy Lab to support their early and conceptual stages of project development. Check it out on NIH’s website here.
Cordy Lab participated in the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) 2022 annual Meeting held this year in Seattle, Washington
Congrats to Dinah who wins an award from ACMCIP and give an oral presentation entitled “Deducing the Effect of Variable Oxygen Concentrations on Plasmodium falciparum Growth” during the ASTMH annual meeting. Check out the abstract here.
Former undergraduate student Noelle Allen presented her poster entitled “Gut barrier integrity in Macaques infected with Plasmodium Knowlesi” at ASTMH. Both of them performed an outstanding job! Well done!
Lab PI Regina Cordy also presented a talk entitled “Plasma metabolome and gut microbiome fluctuations during acute and chronic malaria infection” during ACMCIP Omics session.
A speaker was hosted by Cordy lab
Michael Ferdig was hosted by Cordy lab to deliver a seminar titled “Expanding the power of classical genetics to understand malaria parasite phenotypes: can malaria be the new yeast?”
Irene presents her summer project at Undergraduate Research Day!
Irene put together a poster presentation showcasing her summer project supported by URECA center, and represented the Cordy Lab at WFU’s Undergraduate Research Day.
RJC is nominated to the Core Planning Team
Lab PI RJC is now a member of the core planning team in the Wake Forest Community contributing to create and sustain a better campus.
Welcome two new PhD students, Cam and Tryphena!
We are thrilled to welcome Cameron Sherlock and Tryphena Adams, who are new PhD students in Biology to Cordy lab! Looking forward to having them embark on the research journey with us!
Congratulations Caroline on completing the Wake Forest LEAP program!
The Cordy Lab was honored to participate in the inaugural year of the Wake Forest LEAP program which pairs local high school students with Wake Forest faculty for a summer experience in STEM. Caroline Thornton from Reynolds High School joined us this summer and gained several new skills, including: staining slides, using a compound microscope, using an image analysis software, and a graphing software. Further, she used the opportunity to meet with faculty and other individuals on campus for informational interviews to help set her up for the next steps in her education. You can read about the LEAP program and its awesome end-of-summer symposium, which was held on Friday June 29th in this article published in the Winston Salem Journal.
Reflecting on my history
“Five years ago today, this article was published by the wonderful folks at the NC State University Library. The article describes a visit in which I brought my family members to NC State to bask in the history that my grandmother had made by being the first African-American staff member hired at NC State. She was hired as a research technician in the Genetics Department in 1958, two years before the first African American undergraduate students graduated from NC State. While she passed away in 2003, I enjoy finding ways to honor her and “bring her along with me” in my career. I dedicated my PhD thesis to her in 2013 and mentioned her in my article in Trends in Parasitology in 2021. I also keep her microscope in my office, and am so grateful to Trudy Mackay, Henry Schaffer, and other folks at NC State for giving me this piece of our family history!”
– Regina Cordy, July 31 2022
Dinah passed her quals!
What a big hurdle! Congrats to Dinah on getting past this important milestone in her PhD career!